Special solutions

The manufacture of various everyday products generates by-products or waste products that require a special solution from B&D for further processing or disposal.


Our plant technology is used in the processing of sugar beet, potatoes and onions, among other things. When washing the above-mentioned components, a large amount of water is required to remove the adhering soil. After washing, this wash water is contaminated with organic components such as roots, mineral sands and sludge. In order to be able to reuse the water and dispose of the impurities in a cost-efficient manner, systems from our company are used.

Another special solution from our company is equipment for removing rubber granules from the infill material of artificial turf pitches.
The EU ban on microplastics means that the rubber granules, which are mostly made from old car tires, must be removed from over 8,000 artificial turf pitches in Germany by the end of 2031. Our technology makes this possible in a cost-efficient manner.

Even if different devices or processes are used, the principle always remains the same. The various components are broken down, separated from each other, dewatered separately and sent for further disposal.

The following products are used for this purpose: